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Business Consultant


A Business Consultant and Educator, has spent his time mentoring the Youth especially on Leadership Qualities through Workshops in Schools and Colleges, besides working in his professional field in Sales & Business Development.

Over the last 5 years thousands of students in Goa have been empowered and have their light drawn through sessions conducted by Leadership Studio IND, an institute under the Directorship of Mr. D'Souza (or Alan).

Besides being an International Corporate Trainer, he is also associated with both Domestic and International companies providing his Consultancy Services.

He also is a host of a YouTube Talk Show Podcast called Ground Zero Everyday Leaders.

Mr. D'Souza is philanthropist, a motivational speaker and leadership coach, and believes that every individual can contribute to bring about a change in the world.

Brief note on our Performance:
“I’ll be performing a leadership song which will be interactive as well”

Fun facts:

Listening to Life stories of successful fellow humans makes Alan see the world around with eyes wider than his own and heart larger than the moon.  And despite all that the Tom & Jerry series remains his biggest choice of providing life-teaching lessons.  After everyone has a child inside them forever!

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